A little over six months ago, I suggested the SQL New Blogger Challenge. I thought that maybe a few people would participate, but wow! The response was tremendous. When all was said and done, 40 people participated in the challenge, and that doesn’t include those experienced bloggers that lent their support. Many of those have continued […]

Announcing the SQL New Blogger Challenge!
TL;DR – In April, I’m challenging myself to write (and publish!) here regularly, and I’m extending an open challenge to other new bloggers to do the same. Interested? Read on. I enjoy reading Seth Godin’s writing. Many of his daily posts speak about allowing your creativity to flourish and about building communities by simply allowing your voice […]
I’m presenting in Madison!
One of my goals for the year was to present at least twice. I’m happy to say that I’m making progress on that goal – my first presentation was selected for SQL Saturday #118 in Madison, WI! I’ll be presenting “Practically Normal”, a practical introduction to normalization. Normalization is a key concept in a relational […]
The Year That Was, The Year That Will Be
“If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” – William H. Johnsen “No! Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” – Les Brown 2011 was a successful year, but not what I would consider to be “wildly” […]