Foundations Friday starts now

Earlier this month, my friend Tim Ford (b|t) proposed an idea:

I think this is a fantastic idea. The hardest part of beginning anything is that we usually don’t know what questions to ask. We search Google with awkwardly-phrased questions about the general topic, hoping something worthwhile surfaces. Older posts often don’t – search engines tend to favor newer content. What if we – the bloggers, the speakers, the authors – all posted once per month about the topics that are second nature to us? We could have dozens of new posts about what makes SQL Server tick. We could have dozens of new ways to extend a hand. We could have dozens of ways to show those just joining our community what is possible when we share in the way that is so unique to our #sqlfamily.

And you know the best part about this sort of topic? You don’t have to be an expert to write about it. If you’re just getting started yourself, write about a topic as you learn it. If you do happen to be more senior, great – write what you wish someone would have told you when you were getting started. We all have something to share.

Starting tomorrow, I’m designating the third Friday of each month as Foundations Friday to discuss a topic such as this. I already have a short list of ideas that I think will work well, and I’m really looking forward to it. Come back tomorrow to see what’s in store!


Ed Leighton-Dick helps small and midsize businesses solve their most challenging database performance, resiliency, and data security issues at Kingfisher Data, the consulting firm he founded in 2014. He has taught thousands of people at over 200 events, including the world's largest Microsoft data platform conferences, and he has been a leader in the Microsoft data community since 2008. Microsoft has recognized Ed seven times as a Data Platform MVP for his expertise and service to the data community.